Friday, January 22, 2010

Getting Noticed

From my observations, it has seemed that in order to create a buzz surrounding a book or to ensure a book a success, a debut author has to receive a huge sum of money as advance before publishing a book. But provided that the book has to be of really good quality.

This has happened to authors like Elizabeth Kostova, Diane Setterfield, Andrew Davidson, and more. The heavy publication has seems the only assured way to catapult the a debut author to the bestselling-author-dom.

A reader may have been appealed to such a book is beacuse it may seem that the success story of the author would also add to the story of the author's fiction. In this way, the reader can feel the excitement, the curiosity to read the story written by a successful author. It is as if the reader can also fantasize about being a successful author. This is turn creates another outlet for the reader to escape into.

The author may also be living a very lavish life or he/she may have experienced alot before writing a breakout fiction. This would enshroud the author's fiction more in mystery.

An unknown author from nowhere suddenly publishes to, huge advance, critical acclaim and good sales raises many question marks to a reader. The reader may have also wondered where the hell has the author come up with such a story?, who is this author?, where the hell is he from?, what is he doing right now? wirting another book? etc. etc. In other words, the author's life should be a mystery itself to us, the readers.. :)



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